一名 31歲孕婦懷孕初期就懷疑肚裡有顆水瘤,肚子成長速度讓人以為懷了雙胞胎,到孕後期腫瘤不斷長大,壓迫到連呼吸、翻身都有困難;上週坐月子期間,手術取出重達 3公斤有如足球大的巨大腫瘤。

這名孕婦剛懷孕時就懷疑肚子裡有顆 5公分水瘤,醫師囑咐持續觀察即可。不料懷孕週數,肚子成長速度越來越誇張,朋友都以為懷了雙胞胎,到孕後期因為腫瘤不斷長大,壓迫到連呼吸、翻身都有困難,嘉義醫院長黃元德檢查後發現骨盆腔右側有顆直徑超過 25公分的巨大腫瘤,彩色超音波的表現又有如多囊性的卵巢瘤,且無法排除惡性的可能。


黃元德表示,臍尿管囊腫是一種少見的疾病,罹患率約 1/5000,分為開放性臍尿管、臍尿管囊腫、臍尿管腔竇、臍尿管憩室等 4種。在孕婦發現這麼大的腫瘤極罕見。臍尿管是胚胎時期肚臍和膀胱間的管狀結構,正常情況下,在胎兒 15週大時就會退化。若臍尿管未閉合,就會形成臍尿管囊腫。臍尿管異常如長期慢性感染、刺激,日後也可能演變成惡性腫瘤。


A 31-year-old pregnant woman suspected that there was a water tumor in her stomach at the beginning of pregnancy. The growth rate of the stomach made people think that they had twins. When the tumor grows up in the second trimester, it is difficult to breathe and turn over. During the confinement last week, Surgical removal of a huge tumor weighing as much as 3 kg is like a football.

This pregnant woman suspected that there was a 5 cm water tumor in her stomach when she was pregnant. The doctor can continue to observe. Unexpectedly, the number of weeks of pregnancy, the belly growth rate is more and more exaggerated, friends think that pregnant twins, until the second trimester because the tumor continues to grow up, oppressed to even breathe, turning over are difficult, Chiayi Hospital Chief Huang Yuande found a pelvic cavity on the right side Large tumors over 25 cm in diameter, the performance of color ultrasound is like polycystic ovarian tumor, and can not rule out the possibility of malignancy.

Huang Yuande suggested that for the time being, I would endure the pain caused by the oppression and the pain that could not be turned over. After tracking for several months, I finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl. After a few days of rest after childbirth, Huang Yuande took out the big tumor of this football. Pathological laennecexamination confirmed to be benign, but it is an extremely rare urachal cyst. I was safely discharged from the hospital a few days ago, and finally I can sit down and have a good time.

Huang Yuande said that urachal cyst is a rare disease with an attack rate of about 1/5000. It is divided into four types: open urachal catheter, urachal cyst, urachal sinus, and urachal diverticulum. It is extremely rare to find such a large tumor in pregnant women. Umbilical urinary catheter is a tubular structure between the navel and the bladder during embryonic period. Under normal circumstances, it will degenerate when the fetus is 15 weeks old. If the urachal catheter is not closed, a urachal cyst will form. Umbilical urinary tract abnormalities such as chronic infection and stimulation may also evolve into malignant tumors in the future.

Huang Yuande said that if pregnant women are pregnant with poor appetite, breathing is more asthmatic, abdominal pain, back pain, etc. are common physical discomfort, usually pay attention to proper rest, adjust the pace of life and nutrition during pregnancy. However, if there is an abnormal increase in the abdomen, do not ignore the possibility of tumor.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.

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